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curriculum schedule 課程表。


Functions realized are as follows : search for current news of educational administration management on the web . course selection in the prescribed time , and characteristic searching in roles of student , teacher , president , school or department leader , etc . the usable information include student ' s basic information , student ' s score , curriculum schedule , teacher assess , and so on 本系統實現的功能有:網上查詢教務管理最新消息;學生、教師、學校領導、院系領導以不同角色的個性化信息查詢,包括:學生基本信息、學生成績、上課課表、教師評估結果等信息;在規定時間內的學生網上選課。

Four databases contained are as follows : student information database stores the school ' s section ( including school and department , specialty , class , etc ) ; as well as undergraduates “ information ( including student ' s serial number , name , score in each academic year and semester , class curriculum schedule , teacher curriculum schedule , etc ) 本系統共有四個數據庫,分別是學生信息庫:保存學校的部門信息(院系、專業、班級等) ;在校本科生的信息(學號、姓名、各學年成績、班級課表、教師課表等) 。

Arranging the courses by hand and traditional ways , we have great work load , cost much time , use up many resources , but the accuracy of curriculum schedule is low 使用手工或傳統的方法來排課,不僅工作量巨大,耗時、耗資,且準確率低。

Not having a rational , accurate and normal curriculum schedule , the whole university will not has a well teaching and studying order 沒有一個合理、準確與規范的課程表,整個學校的教學秩序將混亂不堪,這是不難想象的。

Accordingly , deeply studying the question of curriculum schedule is very necessary 因此,很有必要對排課表問題進行深入研究。

The arrangement of curriculum schedule is one of the key questions 而課表管理是其中最為關鍵的一環。